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The topic of making money online is very broad and almost everyone is talking about it. But today I would be talking about the untalked part which am sure that you would find it amazing,these five steps I would be covering would be a challenge to you and at the end would end you up and taking certain actions and decision,keep in mind that I Bugre Roger the founder of Bugre Roger Social did a super research before publishing this content here. So without much, I do let's get right into the steps that would land you in the online billionaires or millionaires quarters and before I forget you to don't forget to signup to newsletters so we can keep in touch with you. Make sure to read to the end because the last has a surprise for you.
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Ok so enough of all that, I was the kind of person that grew up training my self, what am i trying to say, when I born I lived with my parents and was very happy until my father died when I had to be sent to the village and then forced by circumstances to become a street boy, ok I know the kind of street boy I was back then wasn't the bad type, all I wanted was food and nothing more.
One thing I thank God for was that I hard some passion and love for computers so when I get little money I would immediately go to the cafe and browse untill one day when as I was browsing through Facebook I saw a post that was like ''how to make money online and become a boss'' i was like OMG so I can make money online?, from then my life changed I can say I hard a little bit of luck as well but enough of that. If you would like to hear my full story then signup to newsletters am working on writing my full story from how I went from zero to a hero from $0 to $$$$$ all online so don't miss out signup for newsletters
The first step is very important most of the times when we launch our first business we would be very happy and especially when I see $5 in our online account we become very happy but, when you start facing reality that is where you would start feeling like giving up, and most especially when you have friends who are super successful. You need to believe in your self because only with that can you be able to keep up in the game and end up successful, when I started my first blog onlinemoneyfreedom.com I was super happy and even happier when I made my first dollar with that site but when I realized that oh no my site is not growing i quickly said I want to sell and a friend quickly said ok I would buy it, I was very shocked I told him hey you, that blog is not growing but still he said I would buy it so I gave it to him and now he is doing well and making money with my blog. You must believe in yourself and in your vision because that is your fuel to keep you moving in the business. NEVER GIVE UP
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Making money online as I said at the start of this post is very wide and no matter the niche you would choose someone is already there making $$$, and what more he is already established so what would you do?, would you just sit back fold your arms and say hmmm, no you have to fill yiur midnd with Knowldge, if you want to become successful it takes knowledge, so what is my recommendation, listen lets say you want to come into my niche of blogging and you chose to actually blog about how to make money online, you know that there are other big bloggers out there in this same niche so get ahead of them you must learn what they havent learned, they have the experience yes I know bit visit their site spy on their post see what they good and try to do more than they are doing lets say they worte nabout 100 ways to make money online you should learn more and write about 150 or 200 ways to make money online in that way when their readers see your post they would be eager to click and read why because their guru gave them only 100 and you are giving them 200 ways, they would say, OH MY GOSH this guy has something I have to know, so I hope you undertstand what am saying if not comment below and I would reply you as ASA. NEVER GIVE UP
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This part focuses on building your business, you have to advertise your self and your business with any opportunity that you get, advertise your business and build your self a reputation in the public, let me tell you ways to publish your self anywhere you go.
Lets say you have been invited by a friend for a coffee here in Ghana they would invite you for a beer ha, so you when you get there and conversation starts then you take that opportunity to introduce yourself and business, people contact me sometimes on WhatsApp asking me if I would like to hire them but at the end of it all they would end up hiring me how do i that because I advertised my self to them and gave them some tips they never knew about because the tip number 3 is in my mind learn learn learn so you cant advertise yourself if you don't commit your self to learn you must offer what people are not offering to give them value for their money. NEVER GIVE UP
You have to find your targeted niche and mingle with them, ask yourself this question what is my niche and where are my targets gathering on facebook, twitter, forums and blogs, let me tell you one thing I do to get my targeted niche readers since I know that my target is MAKE MONEY ONLINE WHILES BUILDING YOUR SOCIAL FOLLOWING, I also participate in forums where people might need my advice and my tips most and also blogs but with blogs you cant just reply to someone and ask them to visit your site that's spamming and you might be banned from the site, so what I do is to leave good and informative comment maybe add a tip to what the author was talking about or maybe answer to questions on the blog they would quickly come to my site because they would find out that I am offering an information that is not that site, do you get it lets me know if you did. NEVER GIVE UP
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Not every niche is good if you really want to make money online and not all of the types are good for, so you have to learn to follow your passion and what you love doing, some of the profitable niches to consider if you have the passion for them are
1. Fitness and Weight Loss
Companies have been right there with them with products helping them do just that: supplements, diets, weight loss programs, exercise programs, and more. As a marketer, you can’t ever go wrong on this niche. Just about every demographic in every country in the world is into this.
2. Health
This is closely related to the fitness and weight loss market and there is some overlap, but it’s different enough to merit its own entry onto the top 10 list.
People these days more than ever are taking their health into their own hands. They don’t automatically trust what the government or their doctor tells them about their health or what they should do to be healthy. You’ve seen products in this niche everywhere: gluten-free, herbal remedies, supplements, detoxing… healing arts and products of all types. Anything that will promote a healthy lifestyle that helps avoid disease and makes you live longer.
3. Dating and Relationships
Whether someone is looking for love… is into online dating… or is in a relationship but struggling and looking for a way to rekindle the passion, a whole range of products in the dating and relationships niche are there to help. People always need advice when it comes to this area — one of the essential elements in life but so difficult to navigate.
4. Pets
People love their pets. There are estimated 180 million dogs and cats in Ghana alone That’s not even mentioning all the snakes, guinea pigs, parrots, and other more exotic creatures people keep as companions. And if you’ve been to a pet store lately, you know that pet owners will spare no expense and will buy just about anything pet-relate. Gourmet dog food, pet toys, healthy treats, Heck, I’ve even seen dog strollers and cat leashes. I'm also sure there are a lot of dogs out there that eat better than I do!
5. Self-Improvement
Also known as self-help, this is a huge niche online. There are courses and programs, books, videos, online training, coaching. Whether someone wants to build self-esteem, experience career success, increase their confidence, set and achieve goals, overcome adversity or obstacles… there is a self-improvement product out there.
You’ve heard of Tony Robbins. Same sort of deal. It’s a $10 billion a year industry, and always growing. People want to feel happy, satisfied with life, and stress-free. And they almost never buy just one book or program, which lends this market well to repeat purchases and higher-ticket programs.
6. Wealth Building Through Investing
Let’s face it, people want to make money. And they know that stocks, bonds, options, forex (currency trading), futures, and other investment products are a way to do that. They’ve seen the news and all those hedge fund billionaires and super-successful investors cashing in. They want to get in on the action.
Unfortunately, most people don’t really know what they’re doing. So they have to educate themselves. They need advice on which investments to make. That’s where a variety of products related to investing come in. Trading services, financial newsletters, trading systems… all different ways that show people how to invest successfully - whether it's basic budgeting and investing advice or advanced day trading strategies and speculative penny stock recommendations.
7. Beauty Treatments
Having a smoother tighter skin, being more radiant, erasing wrinkles. Looking younger and more attractive is the goal of many people. So any sort of creams, formulas, or similar products that promise to eliminate or reduce the signs of aging is very popular.
Anti-aging cosmetic treatments, skin care products, and more are a huge business. Industry watchers say it will grow to nearly $200 billion in sales annually by 2019.
8. Gadgets and Technology
Whether it’s a tablet or smartphone, computer speakers, mp3 players, smart devices for the home, thumb drives, cellphone cases, earphones… people are in love with gadgets and accessories. Everybody wants the latest technology (can anyone say new iPhone). And you can capitalize on that in a few ways.
The easiest would be to sell the products as an affiliate through an e-tailer like Amazon. Or you could import products through a site like Alibaba.com or Aliexpress.com, which link you to manufacturers and wholesalers abroad.
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